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Singing for Syria

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Nov, 2019 11:24 AM

Have you heard about the Singing for Syrians campaign?

Singing for Syrians is a nationwide campaign chaired by Victoria Prentis MP, offering a fun, inclusive and positive way to raise money for some of Syria’s most vulnerable people.

The idea is to get schools, choirs, churches and individuals to hold a carol concert (or any musical event) in aid of the Hands Up Foundation, with funds raised going directly to three projects: a Primary Health Clinic in southern Aleppo in Syria, a Prosthetic Limb Project in Bab al-Hawa on the Syrian-Turkish border, and a School in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon.

Singing for Syrians give medical staff and teachers the choice to stay and use their skills for Syrian communities in need, by teaching and taking care of patients. Last year, Singing for Syrians received the support of more than 60 schools, choirs, churches and bands, communities and individuals who raised over £83,000 overall.

Jessica Charlton from the Hands Up Foundation which oversees Singing for Syeria said:

"This year, they aim to raise over £100,000 for Singing for Syrians’ 5-year anniversary.

"Please don’t underestimate the impact of your involvement, which means so much to the Syrians we support... It really is a brilliant cause and a lovely way of raising money.

"As I’m sure you have seen in the news recently, the situation in Syria is growing more severe. The power of your input on the awareness and funds we could raise would be immense, and invaluable.

"I’m sure you will already have many fantastic causes that you support in the diocese, but if you would consider encouraging your residents to organise and partake in this musical venture, it would be wonderful, and particularly valuable at this time. We are a fun and innovative charity, and we care.

"We spend a huge amount of time making sure we know exactly where the money goes... as well as everything that is required to hold a musical event on behalf of Singing for Syrians!"

To know more, or call 07871 886 316.

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