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Home News Silver Service in Beaminster

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Silver Service in Beaminster

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Jul, 2021 12:21 AM

A 25th anniversary is definitely worth celebrating - not least when it's for parish ministry!

Rural Hope Programme Manager Sarah Keen says:

"On the feast of St Peter, ministry teams from Beaminster, Bridport and Eggardon & Colmers came together to celebrate 25 years since the Revd Canon David Baldwin was ordained as priest.

"Within the teams, experience as a priest ranged from 72 hours to 63 years!

"Standing at the upper end of that range, the Very Revd David Shearlock gave the sermon in his usual inimitable style, a mix of humour and heartfelt appreciation for the Rector’s service to the Church, first in the Diocese of Lichfield and more recently in the rural areas of the Diocese of Salisbury.

"At the end of the service, the large congregation broke ranks with Common Worship convention and stood to applaud David for all he is doing for us both as Rector of the Beaminster team and as Rural Dean for Lyme Bay."

Canon David said:

“It has been a privilege to serve the Lord as a priest for all these years. I am truly humbled that so many people have come out to help me celebrate. It shows the importance of a priestly presence in rural communities and gives me hope as I go forward in ministry.”

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