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Home News Shining His Light, the Messy Way

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Shining His Light, the Messy Way

by ajack last modified 25 Nov, 2021 01:15 PM

Does anyone else not like it when it gets dark? The Autumn days are well and truly here, and the evenings are drawing in. Thankfully, Jesus had a lot to say about light and darkness. The result? We feel happier and safer.

Jesus said:

‘None of you light a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, 

or under a bowl. Instead, you put it on its stand, so that those who 

come in may see the light’ - Luke 11.33.

Messy Church, Emmanuel Southill, Weymouth

This past Saturday (20th November), Emmanuel Southill, Weymouth, was able to host another fabulous Messy Church exploring how Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness. The second such gathering since COVID restrictions have eased, eighteen adults and fourteen young people attended and worshiped together. 

Plenty of fun activities were on hand, from stained-glass window making to painting life-sized pictures of ourselves in bright colours. This followed with a very energetic time of worship, and the use of a disco ball helped us explore how we can be like Jesus and shine God’s light of hope and love into our world - along with a challenge for us all to shine God’s light of love and hope in our homes, schools, and places of work. The service was topped-off with some scrummy chicken nuggets and chips!

The Revd Matt Renyard, Curate said:

 “It was great to see the church being a beacon of light on top of the hill in Southill with our Messy Church gathering. Old and young alike coming together to have fun, worship God and see what Jesus had to say about how they can take God’s light out into their every day.”

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