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Home News Sharing faith and becoming followers

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Sharing faith and becoming followers

by Michael Ford last modified 07 May, 2021 10:14 PM

Under the theme of ‘Journey of Faith’, two new webinars from our Rural Hope team - Sharing Faith and Being Followers of Christ provide lots of ideas and advice on how to attract and disciple new worshippers and support them as they grow in faith.

As we emerge from lockdown, the team will also look at the role of the church in our communities, and changes in church culture as we move towards more collaborative ministry.

The ‘Sharing Faith’ webinar on 18th May features Revd Dr Hannah Steele, Director of St Mellitus College and author of ‘Living His Story’, plus Canford Magna’s Revd Chris Tebbutt, who is a member of the Archbishop’s College of Evangelists.

Sharing faith can be a challenge for many Christians, whether out of embarrassment or due to feeling ill prepared or ill equipped. Words like 'Evangelism' seem to have taken on meanings far removed from 'good news'. And yet the story of Jesus is itself good news, and an invitation to find out more and join in.

Hannah and Chris will explore how we might convey the extraordinary love of God to our neighbours in a 'post-Christian' world, simply being ourselves and using our natural gifts.

Book in here.

‘Becoming followers of Christ’ on 26th May features Nick Shepherd, Programme Director for the Church of England’s 'Setting God’s People Free' initiative.

The session aims to affirm and grow Christian faith in a post-pandemic world and make meaningful connections between faith, words and deeds in daily life.

Nick will explore the radical (root) nature of the call to follow Jesus and how to connect discipleship with every aspect and sphere of life, meeting people at whatever place or stage they might be.

He will also look at the call and walk of discipleship and what that means for us as we go ‘as’ the Church, making the most of the opportunities that a post-pandemic world offers. This is open to anyone, lay or ordained, who wants to pray, serve and grow.

Book in here.

These webinars are open to all. To sign up for either, please follow the links above, and there is more info from Clare Phillips, via .

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