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Share Count moved forward

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Mar, 2019 01:32 PM

To help with an ongoing discussion on possibly changes to the Fairer Share process, churches are being asked to bring forward their Share counts to before Easter.

In a open letter to Deanery and PCC Treasurers along with Churchwardens, Diocesan Secretary David Pain asked for Share Counts to be back at Church House by 24 May this year, with the count taking place in the five weeks of Sundays 17 March to 14 April.

He said:
"Last week the Finance Committee decided to work towards a longer term financial plan for the Diocese. We also agreed a thorough review of all costs to ensure we are focused on what really matters and that we have a balanced sustainable budget.

"In coming months we will be finalising our budget for 2020, and also working on the framework for 2021-23. This financial framework will reflect our priorities in each deanery as we seek to ensure that we have a thriving Christian presence in every community. This includes discussion of what changes need to be made to the Share process to make it easier to understand and better reflect changes locally."

Traditionally here in the Diocese, the count has been linked to Easter, with the numbers being taken place in the five Sundays after Low Sunday, but the Diocesan Secretary said:
"In order to make decisions which are as fully informed as possible the working group for Fairer Share is asking that we undertake the Share count earlier this year.

"Our goal is that when we meet in the June Diocesan Synod, we will be able to understand how the budget for the 2020 Share relates to the numbers in each parish. We intend that this gives everyone a fuller picture earlier, to better inform our decision making.

"Can I therefore ask you to work with the new dates of the five weeks of Sundays 17 March – 14 April, with the returns being due with Rural Deans by 30 April and back at Church House by 24 May?

"We would greatly appreciate your help in meeting these time scales. I understand that this may also require a change to the dates of Deanery Standing Committee dates to review the individual returns.

"Two months into the role of Diocesan Secretary it has been a pleasure to have already met a number of treasurers, church wardens and PCC secretaries. I look forward to continuing to meet and learn from you. I know that in partnership with the clergy you are at the very heart of what it means to have thriving local churches across the Diocese."

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