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Serving With Dignity

by glynch last modified 14 Sep, 2016 04:43 PM

Vergers from across England celebrate major festival at Salisbury Cathedral

Vergers from around the country descended on Salisbury this week for the Canterbury Provincial Festival of the Church of England Guild of Vergers, held at the Cathedral.

Members enjoyed a special Eucharist as well as the regular daily service of Choral Evensong, to which they processed in full dress. There were also some educational talks and tours, and plenty of time to socialise, not least over a good lunch at Sarum College.

Tony Day, an Honorary Verger at Tewkesbury Abbey in Gloucestershire, was one of those who had travelled some way to be at the Festival.

“I go to these events every year”, he said, “there’s great companionship, a chance to catch up with friends, and worship in magnificent buildings. I always like to go on a building tour, if one is available, to make the most of the ambience.”

Angela Hamilton travelled even further, all the way from St Patrick’s, Partington, in the Diocese of York.

“I get to meet such lovely people at the Festivals, and the Eucharist this morning in the Cathedral was a real highlight.”

Andrew Baker, Cathedral Verger, one of the Diocesan branch members who helped and organise the event, was grateful to those who helped. “I’d like to thank everyone from across the Diocese who made this possible”, he said.

“I’m delighted we made the decision to host the festival this year. It was an awful lot of work, and the stress levels got quite high towards the end of our preparations, but it all went really well on the day and everything fell into place.

“Vergers bring a great deal of knowledge and expertise to a church as well as a certain amount of gravitas. We can help any church run more smoothly to a high standard.”

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