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Secret Gardens

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Jun, 2019 04:21 PM

The Friends of Salisbury Cathedral and the Sudan Medical Link were the beneficiaries of the fourth annual Secret Gardens of the Close event held earlier this month.

Despite overcast skies and a few drops of rain, hundreds of visitors attended the event which raised more than £9,000 for Cathedral projects.

A further £1,500 was raised for the Sudan Medical Link from the sale of tea and homemade cakes in the Bishop of Salisbury’s garden, one of ten to be open.

There was also an exhibition of botanical art in the Medieval Hall by Salisbury Florilegium Society and artist Cliff Topping could be seen sketching in some of the gardens.

Recorder group Close Consort entertained visitors in various locations around the Close and plants, bird and insect boxes could be bought from the stalls on Choristers’ Green.

Visitors could even have a go at stone carving under the expert guidance of cathedral clerk of the works Gary Price.

Friends Chairman Duncan Glass said:

"The Friends charity is again thrilled at the number of gardens opened for us by their generous owners.

"And we are amazed at the number of garden lovers who supported this event and our wonderful cathedral.

"A big thank you to all involved, especially our 70 volunteers who ensured the event went so smoothly."

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