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Home News Saying Goodbye to Angie

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Saying Goodbye to Angie

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Oct, 2019 10:46 AM

A familiar voice down the phone line is retiring after 16 years from the Diocesan Accounts Department.

Angie Wheeler, who looks after Fairer Share among other things, joined the Church House team in 2003 and as well as working on Share in its wider aspects, she has also been involved with Glebe, the Sudan Link – especially Juba School – and in training PCC Treasurers as well as day-to-day general accounts work and responding to phone calls which, as she says, "Can be about anything - you don’t know until you pick up the phone.

"I also enjoy helping other volunteers from my own experience and will miss that daily contact."

Liz Ashmead the present Head of Finance said:

"In her many years of service to the Accounts Department of Salisbury Diocese Angie has developed a reputation for accuracy, mathematical genius and attention to detail. She has been responsible for running the system of Fairer Share since its start and also in helping others in the Diocese to better understand the system.

"As well as administering Share she has done payroll, bank reconciliations and many other accounting tasks. Being a Parish and Deanery Treasurer herself she has been a key part of the training team running regular courses for Treasurers and of course always available at the end of the phone to answer queries.

"The depth of her knowledge gained over many years will be sorely missed but fortunately for us she has agreed to come back for the odd day when we need her. I would like to thank her personally for all the help she has given me over the 3 years I have been here. Thank you Angie!"

Nigel Salisbury, Chair of Finance for the Diocese added:

"Angie leaves us at the end of this month with our thanks, prayers and very best wishes. She has played a crucial role in our Finance team with specific responsibility for parish share over many years and will be a very hard act to follow.

"I’m sure all those who have worked with Angie both in Church House and across the Diocese will want to join with me in expressing our huge debt of gratitude for her hard work and commitment over the years, and in wishing her every blessing for a long and happy retirement."

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