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Say It With Cake

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Feb, 2019 12:37 AM

Visiting South Sudanese Bishop Moses Zungo was greeted with a cake sporting the message ‘Welcome +Moses’ when he arrived at Heytesbury Deanery.

While the greeting was relaxed and friendly, Bishop Moses had some serious messages for the clergy who had gathered from the Deanery to meet him.

He told them that violence is a very real threat in his area of Maridi, but luckily members of the church are usually respected by rebels.

The Revd Carol Wilson-Barker, priest in charge of Mere with West Knoyle and Maiden Bradley, said:
“We shared stories and heard of the challenges of ministering in South Sudan. When +Moses travels the Diocese it is so large he doesn’t come home for several days.

“The worship tradition is an interesting mixture of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer in the native tongue and three-hour worship ‘events’ on a Sunday morning and congregations number 100s and 1000s.

“He thanked us for our prayers with information coming from Jane Shaw’s weekly prayer updates.

The bishops was treated to a typical Church welcome, with not only cake, but quiche for lunch.

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