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Home News Saving for a rainy day that's arrived

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Saving for a rainy day that's arrived

by Michael Ford last modified 10 Jul, 2020 11:58 PM

Social Justice Manager Colin Brady says, "We know who you are.

Saving for a rainy day that's arrived

St Edmunds Foodbank in Wyke Regis

"That's why we don't ask questions to which we already know the answer when you apply to the Salisbury Diocesan Social Welfare Fund.

"Our grants are small, usually about £500, but that can be the difference that is needed for many social action projects run by parishes or church-related organisations around the Diocese of Salisbury.

"We know that lockdown has been tough for many of our projects. Either you experienced massively increased demand like our foodbanks, or you had to suspend operations with the resulting loss of income.

"If a small grant could be of help to your project now please do get in touch. We'd rather get money to those groups that can use it to meet the needs of the most vulnerable people and most deprived communities in our area than leave it in the bank.

"We've managed our historic funds carefully with an eye to a rainy day. It's definitely raining now.

"The Salisbury Diocesan Social Welfare Fund is an independent charitable trust with a legacy arising from the days in the 1930s through to the 1960s when the Diocese was the main provider of social work services across Dorset and Wiltshire.

"For a small grant we just need a paragraph about the need you have identified and the project that you have in mind to address that need. We won't be able to fund everything but for just a few minutes you could have an application emailed to that the trustees can consider at the end of July."

Photo from the St Edmunds Foodbank in Wyke Regis, a recent recipient of one of our grants.

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