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Home News Rural Hope Calendar: the results are in

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Rural Hope Calendar: the results are in

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Oct, 2019 01:18 PM

We've found the photos for our 2020 Rural Hope Calendar. The judges pored over the 50 entries to select a cover and 12 monthly photos that depict rural hope in our diocese.

Our cover photo is a Lyme Regis sunset by Margaret Trafford.

Congratulations to her, and to Margaret Preuss-Higham, Max Trafford, Nigel LLoyd, Maria Sage, Andrew Crisp, Pam Bradford, Geoff Linton, Beth Hutton, Sandra Hares and Sheelagh Wurr - your photos will be included in the print run!

Our Rural Hope Calendar will be available later this year as an A4 month-to-view calendar showcasing beautiful views of landscapes, churches, and wildlife.

In addition, there will be a picture a month displayed on our diocesan website, and added to ongoing Flickr and Facebook albums.

These monthly photos will be standardised via cropping and sizing. If you would like the full-resolution originals, we can put you in touch with the photographers.

Thank you to all who entered - we couldn't possibly include all your photos, but the judging panel of Bishop Andrew, Sarah Keen, Carole Peters-King, and Richard Hancock gave proper time to choosing which ones made the cut.

Bishop Andrew said, "That was an enjoyable interlude in a full day!" and Rural Hope Programme Manager Sarah Keen said, "We set our rural parishes a photographic challenge and they came up trumps.

"Selecting the final 12 was tricky but a delight because of the range of beautiful pictures we received. Throughout 2020 we hope that everyone loves the country scenes as much as we do."

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