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Home News Running wild at Forest School

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Running wild at Forest School

by Michael Ford last modified 30 Apr, 2021 11:54 PM

This week, Westbury Leigh Primary School's Year 6 has been enjoying the experience of building dens, working with ropes, sculpting and making bird houses.

Running wild at Forest School

Pupils making bird houses

School Business Manager Anna Thurman says:

"At Westbury Leigh Primary School, we want to inspire every child to be the best version of themselves in everything they do. Forest School provides a great learning environment for this and we are lucky to have this provision on site led by our very talented Forest School leader, Mrs Murray.

Ms Isherwood, Assistant Head Teacher adds:

"Forest School has such a positive impact on children’s confidence, resilience and wellbeing. It’s a fabulous and creative environment to be able to offer all our pupils after lockdown.

Running wild at Forest School- pupils making dens
Pupils making dens

"The children were able to have fun, take risks, and use their freedom to solve problems for themselves. Being outside in our amazing grounds helps to reduce feelings of anxiety and gives everyone a chance to flourish in a natural environment. Being in our wooded area amongst the trees enables every child to reconnect with nature."

Katie, Y6 pupil sums it up:

"Forest School is an amazing place to be free and creative. You can forget about school work and just run wild!"

Running wild at Forest School- a barrel of laughs, part 1

Running wild at Forest School- a barrel of laughs, part 2

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