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Home News RSCM International Summer School

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RSCM International Summer School

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Jul, 2019 03:55 PM

If you are looking for a holiday with a difference this year, the Royal School of Church Music, RSCM, is offering its International Summer School to anyone who is interested in or loves church music.

Whether you are into worship band music, love choral music, or just want to deepen your understanding of music in worship there's something for you to enjoy.

The triennial event is an immersive week for singers, musicians, clergy and worship leaders from all denominations to gather together to learn more about the gifts of music to worship and ministry. This year features a rich selection of workshops, from early Plainsong to 21st Century worship bands and everything in between.

Experienced delegates can hone their skills with expert tuition from worship leaders, composers and arrangers, while others can learn more about church music, join in with the RSCM Millennium Youth Choir in majestic Norwich Cathedral, and enjoy cultural excursions to the 'Angel Roof' churches in East Anglia.

Fee includes half-board accommodation at Belsey Bridge Conference Centre from 5 to 11 August and there is plenty of time for relaxation and prayer. Book online at the RSCM website (discounts for members). Day tickets available at £75.

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