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Room to Grow

by Michael Ford last modified 21 May, 2019 06:10 PM

Life at Christ Church Creekmoor, Dorset will never be the same again. The church family has temporarily moved out of the building and into the nearby Community Centre.

The builders, meanwhile, have moved into the Church and started work on the new £1.26m 'Room to Grow' Worship Centre and Community Hub.

Watch a 3D walkthrough on YouTube

Christ Church Minister Revd Janice Audibert says:
“It is amazing how the local Community are pulling together with the Church family to enable this project to move forward.

"We are very grateful to the Creekmoor Community Centre who have pulled out all the stops to enable us to move our Sunday morning services and the majority of our Community work into the Community Centre for the next eight months.

Although we are enjoying ‘being in exile’ we are looking forward to moving back into the enlarged building and being able to extend our existing support for the Community in the new Community Hub for Creekmoor to be based at the church.”

The Community Hub will provide better worship facilities, further children's, family and youth activities. A daily Community Café with Dementia support will enable new community projects such as Creekmoor Dementia friendly activities for the whole community to help address loneliness and isolation in the surrounding area.

"The church is stepping out in faith to start the building work, which will double the floor space of the church, but more funds are still needed to finish and equip the building," Revd Audibert said.

After the excitement of moving out of the building the congregation are continuing their fundraising to reduce the £280,000 needed to complete the project and are looking forward to some fun activities in the process.

Revd Janice Audibert adds: “The church building is ‘under construction’, but this is a good example of the Church family being the Church wherever they are.”

A new detailed 3D walkthrough and diary of the build can be found on the ‘Room to Grow’ tab of the Church website and on the ‘Room to Grow at Christ Church Creekmoor’ Facebook page.

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