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Rogation celebrations

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Jun, 2019 11:30 AM

Our Diocese celebrated Rogation Sunday with a host of outside services in farms, barns, fields and churches.

Among them was the congregation from St Margaret of Antioch, in the Parish of Corsley and Chapmanslade in the Cley Hill Churches Benefice, who held their service at the Corsley Old School Playing Field.

Watch a short video clip

The large congregation that had gathered heard from the Corsley Wildflower Meadow Group who told them that Corsley was once rich in wildflower meadows, providing colour and biodiversity and a haven for wildlife and bees and other insects but sadly, as across much of England, wildflower meadows have been lost or degraded.

The group planned to create a beautiful wildlife friendly area in Corsley which local people can visit and enjoy.

Those gathered heard how the existing vegetation on the site was cleared in 2018 and used to create a flower bund on two sides of the meadow area, where traditional flower and seed mixes were sown by hand. The results can be seen in a video that records the service.

You can see the video here.

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