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"Rise up in concern for Creation"

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Oct, 2021 04:14 PM

On Sunday 17th October, over 50 people from local churches around Lyme Regis and Uplyme gathered together on the sea front for a café-style event to pray and commit to climate action ahead of COP26.

The Revd Sarah Godfrey, Golden Cap Team Vicar, says: 

"It was a chance for young and old to come together to pray and commit to climate justice ahead of COP26. We were blessed with glorious sunshine and many passing holiday makers stopped to join in too.  

"We were inspired by Jake Causley, who is a young, passionate environmentalist engaged in sustainability, wildlife and the natural world.  Also with us was Revd Hilary Bond, pioneer priest and Christian climate activist, helping us to think about how we can join in with gentle activism.  

"There were displays from local charities including the World Forest Organisation, Turn Lyme Green and Plastic free Lyme. There were opportunities for all the take part and educate ourselves.  

"We began by thanking God for our wonderful world, we said sorry for not taking care of Creation and we committed ourselves to action by placing pebbles from the beach into a pool of water, watching the ripple effect. 

"The children had craft-based activity packs of recycled materials and they made prayer boats to send to the COP26 conference. Prayers were said for our world leaders that they will have compassion and determination to make difficult decisions that will protect the future of our planet.  

"What a great afternoon for young and old to come together to worship God, meet others from churches around Lyme Regis and pray for the world! We had members of all denominations from Anglicans, Baptist, Roman Catholics and free churches, and even those that don’t identify with any church taking an active part in the service.  

"Huge thanks to Jo and Rob Smith and Revd Nicky Davies from UpLyme Church for encouraging us all to join in as we rise up for concern for Creation." 

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