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Home News Ringing for COP26

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Ringing for COP26

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Oct, 2021 05:26 PM

The call has gone out to our parishes to join churches across the country sounding the alarm of the climate and ecological emergency. Churches are being asked to ring their bell or bells at 6.00pm on Saturday 30th October to coincide with the beginning of COP26, possibly the most critical global climate conference in history.

Revd Br Alasdair Kay, Rector of Wyke Regis in Dorset, has asked his ringers to join the ring the changes for Climate Change. 

He says: 

"I first heard of the Big Clang, a project across the country of people banging saucepans, ringing bells and generally making a noise to mark the beginning of COP26. When I heard of churches ringing their bells to sound an alarm, it made complete sense to me. 

Br Alasdair Kay, Wyke Regis

"Wyke Parish Church bells were installed many years ago to warn the inhabitants of Weymouth about invasion. As a coastal parish, Climate Change presents us with a real threat, especially as we have the UNESCO world heritage site of Chesil Beach in our parish. A significant rise in sea levels could be catastrophic for us. We cannot ignore Climate Change.  

"Can I encourage Churches across the Diocese in joining me to ring their Bells to say it’s time to change? To tackle our Carbon Emissions and work for the preservation of our Common Home?" 

Flyer for the national campaign here; 

Draft press release for parish use here. 

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