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Home News 'Ringers Remembered' finds a home in Salisbury

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'Ringers Remembered' finds a home in Salisbury

by Michael Ford last modified 01 May, 2020 09:41 PM

A picture commissioned by the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Bell Ringers has found a permanent home.

‘Ringers Remembered’ was painted by Westbury artist Helen Chester to appear on the front cover of the Great War Memorial Booklet, and first appeared in public at the Guild Festival in May 2019, since when it has been ‘on tour’; visiting a branch event in all 8 Guild branches, as well as other events.

Having explored a number of possible venues for displaying the picture, an offer came in from the Trustees of the Rifles Berkshire and Wiltshire Museum (’The Wardrobe’) in the Cathedral Close, Salisbury, and it was happily accepted.

Amongst the ringers commemorated in the picture are 3 soldiers from the Royal Berkshire Regiment, and 16 from the Wiltshire Regiment, including two actual likenesses.

Mr Tony Field, Trust Manager and Curator said:

“The Trustees feels that, given the links to Wiltshire Regiment soldiers, and the specific link to the 2 named in the front ranks, it is of interest and would not look out of place in The Wardrobe."

It is hoped to hold a small ceremony post-pandemic, to celebrate the picture's place in the Museum.

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