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RFOs are up to strength

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2019 05:51 PM

Last but by no means least, the fourth of the Diocese Rural Field Officers (RFOs) has begun work in the Wiltshire Archdeaconry - and her arrival was heralded with cupcakes!

The Revd Rhona Floate is dividing her time between her RFO duties and being Team Vicar in the Whitton Benefice.

Rhona was licenced to her new post by the Bishop of Ramsbury, Andrew Rumsey.

Along with her new parishioners and members of the Whitton Benefice, the congregation in Holy Cross Ramsbury included members of the White Horse Team, where Rhona was previously Priest in Charge.

The Rural Hope team was represented by Claire Horton, RFO for Sarum.

Rhona hit the ground running as, on her first day in her new role, she witnessed the start of the first THRIVE training programme at Blandford Forum. Promoting the programme and supporting groups following the programme will be part of her role.

Rhona commented:
"I’m excited to be involved with THRIVE after witnessing at first-hand the excellent content which will help equip rural parishes for mission. Right from the start, participants were sharing their good news stories as well as the challenges they face."

And, in a bit of multi-tasking on her first Sunday in her new Church, St Michael’s Aldbourne, Rhona was able to combine her two roles in a sermon:

"I was able to encourage members of the Whitton Benefice with some of the THRIVE good news stories in my first sermon, preached last Sunday."

And Rhona could not have asked for a better welcome to her new role:

"The icing on the cake, quite literally, has been the warm welcome I’ve received in the Whitton Team."

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