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Home News Renewing Hope with baby blankets

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Renewing Hope with baby blankets

by Michael Ford last modified 03 Sep, 2019 03:09 PM

Our Mothers' Union members have been busy knitting over the summer.

Renewing Hope with baby blankets

Rosie Stiven (2nd from left) and Laura Kachale (right) deliver the 130 hand knitted baby blankets to the Maternity Unit

And as a result 130 hand knitted new baby blankets have been delivered to the Maternity Unit at Salisbury District Hospital.

Diocesan President Rosie Stiven said:

"With on average 200 newborn babies every month, we need to keep the hospital supplied.

"The staff in the Maternity Unit gave us a very warm welcome and were most grateful for the blankets which had been knitted by our members from across the Diocese and given with love.

"We were told 'the Mums just love them'!

"So a huge thank you to all our knitters for your skill, time and wool - but keep
those blankets coming please!"

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