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Remembrance Across the Diocese

by ajack last modified 17 Nov, 2021 04:49 PM

From Puddletown to Trowbridge and everywhere in between, our Diocese honoured Remembrance Day with community-built installations, video interviews and fundraisers.

From Puddletown to Trowbridge and everywhere in between, our Diocese honoured Remembrance Day with community-built installations, video interviews and fundraisers. 

As a reminder of those who have served for our freedom, Remembrance Day is still a very present part of the lives of many families whose members still serve in the Army. Remembrance services were held across the Diocese, educating and demonstrating in various ways the enormity of the servicemen and women’s sacrifice, honouring their commitment and continuing their memory. 

Emma Hughes, Puddletown Benefice Administrator, situated in the middle of the Dioceseshared how members of the  Dorset parish worked for six weeks crocheting 1,000 poppies, which were then fixed to netting and displayed over the St Mary’s Church tower.  

Completed and hoisted on Wednesday 10 November, this moving installation was presented just in time for Remembrance Day and celebrated the centenary of the Royal British Legion.   

When the poppies were finally secured in place, Callan Waldron (aged 9) chimed the treble bell in celebration.  

The poppies will remain on display until Sunday 28th November. For the full story, click here. 

St Mary's Church, Puddletown

While, in the north of the Diocese, Ruth Barber & Alison Bennett from Kingfisher Church in Trowbridge worked closely to support their two closest schools: The Mead and Castle Mead. One of their congregation served in the Army and is part of a military family, so in honour made a brief video for the schools to share in individual classes on Remembrance Day about what Remembrance means to them.  

You can watch the video HERE 

The Revd Keith Brindle, Vicar of St James, Devizes remarked on the Devizes School's Act of Remembrance and how they do: 

“Remembrance with integrity; taking the opportunity to inform and inspire our youth to remember, be thankful, and learn from history. The respect shown by the staff and students was tangible and heartfelt”. 

Meanwhile, the Golden Cap Team, in the South West corner of Dorset held a "very special remembrance service", commemorating the Centenary of the village War Morial, which was erected 100 years ago in 1921.  

During the service the lives of 15 men and women who died in the First World War and of one who lost his life in the Second World War were brought to life during the remembrance address; where they had lived in Hawkchurch, which regiment each had joined and what had happened to them. 

Over in Chesil, the local Scout Group made a wonderful wreath, pictured below. 

Chesil Scout Group

The Revd Margaret Preuss-highamHouse for Duty Priest at Chesil Churches commented:

"Absolutly brilliant!"  

Thank you to all those in our Diocese who contributed towards Remembrance Day this year and continue to keep Remembrance an active part of our community. 

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