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Home News Remembering Rear Admiral Robin Musson, 1939-2020

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Remembering Rear Admiral Robin Musson, 1939-2020

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Dec, 2020 09:39 PM

Canon Ian Woodward, Chairman of the Salisbury-Sudans Partnership link writes:

Many of our longer-standing Sudan Partnership supporters will remember Robin Musson who was Secretary to our Sudan link in the 1990s and at one time Churchwarden at his church in Beaminster. He died in November.

His background as an outstanding senior Royal Navy officer made him the ideal coordinator and diplomat. He kept our partnership together in the most difficult of times when Sudan was still one country. There was no postal service, just a handful of telephone lines and email was unknown.

Conflict increased between northern and southern Sudan and tribal fighting and interfaith intolerance raged across the country from Darfur to Equatoria, and yet the Christian Churches continued to grow.

Under Robin’s skilful and immensely patient guidance we were able to establish links and partnerships that still flourish and the Sudans remain in the DNA of our Diocese of Salisbury today.

We extend our sympathies to Robin’s wife Jo and all his family.

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