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Remembering in Dorset

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2019 04:50 PM

The first public service to remember those who have been killed or injured on its roads and those who serve them was greeted with praise by victims' families.

Remembering in Dorset

Churchwarden Peter Cook, Chief Constable James Vaughan, High Sheriff Philip Warr, the Revd Simon Evans, Bishop Karen, the Revd Andrew Rowland, Martyn Underhill, Deputy Lieutenant John Raymond

The service, led by the Bishop of Sherborne, the Rt Revd Karen Gorham and Chaplains who serve the Dorset police, was held in Wimborne Minster last Saturday.

It was an opportunity for all those who care to gather and for those who have been injured or lost their lives to be remembered.

The service was also be attended by the Chair of Dorset Council, the High Sheriff and Chief Constable of Dorset Police as well as other representatives of local chaplaincies and the emergency services, including fire and ambulance.

Pictured: Minster Churchwarden Peter Cook, Chief Constable James Vaughan, High Sheriff of Dorset Philip Warr, the Revd Simon Evans (Chaplain to Dorset Police), Bishop Karen, The Revd Andrew Rowland (Rector of Wimborne Minster and the Northern Villages), Police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill, and Deputy Lieutenant of Dorset John Raymond.

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill said:

“Every time we have a horrific car crash on our roads, there are families who experience a shattering of their lives, which can be lifelong... and I am so humbled some of those families attended the service.

“Saturday’s service was a very important reminder of the devastating human loss that lies behind the statistics, as well as of the reasons why we need to redouble our efforts to make our roads safer. I was also pleased to see so many members of our emergency services - paramedics and firefighters as well as police officers - being recognised for the work they do attending road traffic accidents.”

16 people have died in crashes in the first half of this year in Dorset - the same number who lost their lives during the whole of 2018.

Bishop Karen said that since living in Dorset she had become aware of the dangers of our road system and the number of accidents and fatalities there are year on year.

"Whilst this year we are relieved to hear that this number has decreased, I know many people are affected by road traffic accidents be they relatively minor or severe, including the families and friends of those involved.

"It is with this in mind that in partnership with Dorset Police, their part-time Chaplains and Wimborne Minster I have decided to hold this service in September and invite all those who have been affected.”

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