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Reflecting on Creation

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Sep, 2020 10:12 PM

In this Eco Diocese, a number of parishes are joining in wholeheartedly with the Season of Creation that runs from 1st September to St Francis Day (4th October) each year.

Some are holding charity sales, posting on social media, running campaigns or joining international awareness-raising, and some are producing their own resources to engage people's thinking.

Bradford on Avon's Revd Dr Ali Green has been busy creating a set of visuals and reflections, which we are featuring daily at 1100 on Facebook, joining in with the hashtag #SeasonofCreation.

She says:

"From my earliest childhood I felt a deep connection with the natural world, and in one chapter of my working life before ordination I co-founded an ecological consultancy. So when I moved to the Salisbury Diocese a few years ago I was delighted to be ministering in a parish that was aspiring to be an Eco Church. It now holds silver award status.

"In ordinary times we would now be holding some big events to mark Creationtide. But of course in these exceptional months I had to find another way to help people reflect on this season and our (possibly) final chance to curb climate change, address pollution and waste, and stem a catastrophic loss of biodiversity. Hence the idea of a daily Creationtide reflection to go with the Rector’s daily email sent round the benefice.

"Each of the 34 reflections contains an appropriate Bible verse or a line from St Francis’ Canticle of the Sun.

And the photos?

"During the pandemic I’ve been including a 'Nature Now' section in our monthly benefice magazine, keeping people in touch with the changing seasons and answering their wildlife queries. I had been taking photos of plants and animals to add to the text, so I already had a collection of pictures to use for the daily Creationtide series."

Click here for the '#SeasonofCreation' hashtag on Facebook.

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