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Record-breaking Confirmations

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Mar, 2019 05:00 PM

Bishop Karen was kept busy this week, confirming SIXTEEN candidates from the same Dorset Church.

The twelve teenagers and four adults were a record breaking total for All Saints Branksome Park, which also held two baptisms during the service.

Photos here

Sarah Boyle, the Youth Children and Families Pastor at All Saints said:
"It was a very moving day and the Spirit of God was certainly present."

Sarah explained that for one mother and daughter, the event was a real family affair:

"On December 23rd 2018, a lady called Maria, a mum, came to our church and was very moved by the sermon. At the end of the sermon there was a plug for our forthcoming Alpha course. Maria decided to do the course.

"Maria hasn’t missed one session of Alpha and felt that she would like to be confirmed, having been baptised as a baby.

"She also attended the confirmation classes which we held with the twelve teenagers from our youth group who were also being confirmed.

"And then Maria had her daughter Lacey baptised by Bishop Karen on the same day!"

The twelve teenagers who were confirmed on Sunday are now hoping to go out to Africa in 2020 with Urban Saints on a short term missionary trip.

The candidates were:
Theo and Joshua Boyle, Emily Parker, James and Stephanie Jahn, Hannah and Hattie Moss, Archie and Millie Hickling, Jackie Poppitt, Joanna Green, Maria Jackson, Ava Fancourt, Imogen and Freya Stuart- Brown.

Laura Galbraith was baptised and confirmed, and Lacey Jackson was baptised.

Bishop Karen tweeted straight after the service:
"Great confirmation... many young people wanting to follow Christ and be his light in our world."

Photos here

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