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Reaching new heights for charity

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Mar, 2021 10:04 PM

Fundraising, whether for our parishes or schools or for charity, always benefits from a combination of daring and creative thinking.

So, when Steeple Ashton's Rosemary Brett-Green voiced the desire to sleep 90 feet up, on top of the church tower, in aid of Comic Relief, her friend Petra Brown didn’t hesitate to say “I’ll do it with you!”

They hatched a plot to spend the night of 19th March sleeping on the roof of the tower of St Mary’s church, Steeple Ashton to raise funds for Comic Relief, and and Michael Moore, Churchwarden at St Mary the Virgin, quickly offered his help and support. Having dealt with health and safety and risk assessments, Vicar Oliver Learmont and the PCC were also keen to use the church for the benefit of the community.

Petra said:

"So many people and charities have suffered through this pandemic that we thought Comic Relief would be a great charity to support as it deals with so many needs worldwide."

7-year-old Eli, a neighbour, was intrigued by the sleepout and asked if it would be cold up there. When he was told “I think so”, he shook his head and said, “Mad idea.”

Friends and neighbours have been generous with advice and offers of help, offering thermal clothing, hot water-bottles, a pop-up tent, and even midnight feasts.

Petra and Rosie hope to raise £500 for the cause:

“About the amount it would cost for a luxury penthouse suite in a most astoundingly beautiful building, perhaps,” Rosie said.

What will be the most difficult part? Rosie chuckles:

“Petra is one of the bell-ringers, so she is used to skipping up and down to the ringers’ chamber, but although I’ve been climbing the tower since a time when I could barely see over the parapet I haven’t been up for a couple of years, so I expect Petra will reach the top a few minutes before me.
“I’ve got my supply of Kendal mint cake ready; it got Hilary up Everest so I think I’ll make it to the summit,”

There is a collecting box in the village shop and there will be one by the church on Red Nose Day.

To donate online, click here.

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