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Raising funds and raising awareness in Bradford

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Mar, 2019 02:47 PM

A chance to pick up a Fairtrade bargain over coffee and cake, worship informed by the charity, and a display of products for sale in local supermarkets were among the things that helped to raise funds in a packed Fairtrade Fortnight 2019 in one Wiltshire Benefice.

Jane Jones, the Eco Church Representative for Bradford-on-Avon, Westfield and Wingfield talked us through the events her Benefice had put on during the two weeks:
"Westwood held an extremely well attended Bring and Buy Coffee morning arranged by Jill Ross, there was the chance to pick up a bargain and then to chat with friends over Fairtrade coffee and cake. A happy community event that raised an impressive £400 which is to be shared between The Fairtrade Foundation and Kadugli Diocese In Sudan.

"Holy Trinity, an Eco and Fairtrade church, was once again delighted to support the Fortnight and this year to work together with the BoA [Bradford-on-Avon] Fairtrade Town Group.

"Bradford is extremely lucky in that we have both independent retailers and two well-known national supermarkets which stock a variety of Fairtrade products, so I was pleased that when I approached both the Co-op and Sainsburys, and asked them to create a display of their Fairtrade products, they readily agreed, thus ensuring not only that the Fairtrade profile was raised but also to encourage us to place a Fairtrade item into our shopping basket each week."

In addition, an interesting informative display created by the BoA Fairtrade Town Group included a scrapbook with press cuttings of the original enthusiastic committed group of people who began the Fairtrade journey in Bradford in 1999, resulting in Fairtrade Town status in 2004. This was available to view by all visitors to Holy Trinity before the display relocated to the town Library for an additional week.

Jane said:
"To end this year’s Fortnight of events, at our monthly In The Round Service we learnt all about this year’s campaign entitled 'She Deserves', which ensures that cocoa farmers are paid fairly for their work and are able to live a dignified life.

"We were pleased that members of our community, including the chair of BoA Fairtrade Town Group, were able to join us in our worship and celebration of The Fairtrade Foundation, everyone was given a Divine Chocolate or a piece of fruit as an aid to reflection as well enjoying Fairtrade refreshments after the service which resulted in us being able to donate another £85 to the Fairtrade Foundation."

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