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Racing Ahead

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Mar, 2019 02:17 PM

It was back to normal race conditions this year for Wimborne Minster's 22nd Shrove Tuesday Pancake Race.

Racing Ahead

Presentation of prizes with Philip Goymer (5th from left in red top), Kathy Curtler (blue top) presenting the Trophy, and Marilyn Barber (centre) presenting the MAGS4DORSET prize, with the Rector about to enjoy his pancake!

In 2018, the weather forced the event to take place inside the Minster for the first time in its 21 year history but its 22nd year went off without a hitch with would-be runners young and the not so young started to arrive before 10.30am to register. They came complete with their frying pans and ready cooked pancakes, ready to run round the Minster tossing their pancakes at the four corners of the Church.

As the crowds gathered the Pancake Bell tolled at 11am for the first of the Adult races, followed by the Toddlers with several coming from Wimborne First School Kindergarten. It was then the turn of those using wheelchairs, three took part all from Stoneleigh Rest Home.

Next were the races for the First Schools Age group consisting of 30 pupils from Castle Court School, making their first appearance at a Pancake Race, and 5 pupils from Wimborne First School, then races for Middle and Upper School pupils.

A second adult race saw the Rector, the Revd Andrew Rowland running in his first race since arriving at the Minster last September although he had participated in a previous race when he took on the then Rector John Holbrook. He outran participants from JP Law to win his heat but in the final he could not overcome last year’s winner Philip Goymer from Savills who once again was crowned the Wimborne Minster Pancake Champion for the fourth year in succession.

The Mayor of Wimborne Minster, Cllr Mrs Kelly Webb was present throughout to see fair play along with Town Crier Chris Brown and his Deputy Mel Gudger, who started the races. They presented the prizes which ranged from a large sack of Wild Bird Food for the Rest Home to cash prizes for the individual winners.

The Day's Champion was presented with the John Loader Memorial Trophy by Kathy and Martyn Curtler and a collection was taken in aid of Minster funds which raised £114.

Next year’s date is noted as Tuesday 25 February. Might it be possible to find someone to out run Philip?

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