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Home News Pupils plant bulbs to boost biodiversity in the grounds of Salisbury Cathedral

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Pupils plant bulbs to boost biodiversity in the grounds of Salisbury Cathedral

by ajack last modified 17 Nov, 2021 04:50 PM

As global leaders united in Glasgow for COP26, Salisbury Cathedral School went the extra mile to do their part for the planet.

Pupils of Salisbury Cathedral School are planting 2,500 bulbs across their grounds to help improve biodiversity in the area.  

This is all part of the school’s involvement in the Conservation School Award (hosted by the non-profit: Operation Future Hope); a five-year long commitment to boost biodiversity in school grounds by creating areas of natural habitat for local wildlife. 

Clive Marriott, Head Master of Salisbury Cathedral School, said: 

“Salisbury Cathedral School decided to join the OFH Conservation School Award scheme because it empowers young people with the knowledge, skills and experience to take real action to improve our world. Teaching children how to improve biodiversity within their own back yard – or school grounds – not only provides the skills they need to invoke change, it also improves our world right here and now.” 

Using a primary mix of native plants (bluebells, daffodils, snowdrops, grape hyacinths, primroses, winter aconite, crocus and cyclamen coum), the flowers will bloom between February and June each year, encouraging and supporting bees and other pollinators with beautiful, rich spring meadows.  

Will Frost, Head of Outdoor Learning at Salisbury Cathedral School, explained: 

“This wonderful spring meadows project will help the children understand the importance of pollination in the cycle of life. It’s an essential lesson for the future as the vast majority of plants we need for food rely on pollination to survive. Pollinators are vital to creating and maintaining the habitats and ecosystems that many animals rely on for food and shelter. Our new spring meadows will boost biodiversity in our grounds, and the children will be able to watch the changes first hand.” 

As a Diocese, we are inspired to be a part of the positive changes our parishes and schools make to help our planet and support the flourishing of a more sustainable environment.  

Did you know that we have Eco-Champions in the Salisbury Diocese? We recently said a fond farewell to one of our Champions, Bishop Nicholas, but continue with our goal to become carbon 'net zero' by 2030.  

Find out how your Church can become more eco here read more about our Eco Champions here.  

Already an Eco Champion? Join the Private Facebook Group here if you haven’t already. 

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