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Home News £10K needed to secure Youth Worker's role

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£10K needed to secure Youth Worker's role

by Michael Ford last modified 08 Jan, 2020 11:15 AM

Wiltshire's Youth for Christ Team Leader is appealing for fundraising help to keep his job as a youth worker.

In an open email letter, Steve Dewar, who is also a Rural Youth Worker says:

"I would like to ask for your help if possible. Sadly our experience during 9 years of austerity and removal of youth services has been challenging to say the least and yet the need and opportunities to support young people is increasing.

"We are now in a position that reduction in regular or sustainable financial support means that youth worker provision impacting the local area may look to be impacted from September 2020.

"If we cannot secure additional funding to meet a deficit of £10,000 each year, then the positions of a youth worker is not sustainable.

"We are trying to plan and put some changes in place and already have an amazing but small group of people that do support us, this ranges from as much as £5 per month and others are able to support us with larger amounts to help fulfil a large part of the charity's running costs.

"But the simple fact is that we are limited by our rural location and lower numbers of potential supporters. I work hard to try and source support through fundraising and grants but I would be interested to hear any ideas or suggestions may have or indeed personal support you may be able to offer yourself.

"I hope you will see the importance of my role and the part Wiltshire YFC is playing in supporting youth work in this part of Wiltshire through the youth club, schools work and community activities.

"The financial support of local people is vital to help us see the seeds already sown grow in the coming months and years, and bring transformation in the lives of young people.

"Any consideration by individuals with regards financial support would be most welcome and greatly appreciated.Every little really does help and will allow us to keep going out and taking/being Good News to a new generation."

If you can donate, please visit the Wiltshire YFC website.

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