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Home News Praying Together in Lent 2019

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Praying Together in Lent 2019

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Feb, 2019 09:05 PM

'Praying Together' is on its way!

The booklets, which provide daily Bible readings, thoughts for the day and actions from writers from across the Diocese, also include material that allow you to incorporate the devotions into a service.

This is the third year this popular Lenten resource has been available and as in previous years the material will be available in three formats: as a booklet, on the Diocesan website from where it can also be downloaded and printed or via an app for phone or tablet.

Bishop Karen, who compiled the Booklet along with Canon Tom Clammer, the former Precentor at the Cathedral, said:
“I pray that ‘Praying Together’ will be a valuable resource for you and your congregations.
It is a gift from your Bishops, and gifts are to be given away - so please make sure all your copies are used.”

She has also given 10 suggestions as to how you might use this year’s booklet:

1. Distribute it to the regular congregation prior to Lent and refer to the material each Sunday to keep the momentum going and encourage individuals in their daily prayer. Encourage them to use the App daily too if they travel to work or regularly use a tablet or phone.
2. Use it as a resource for home or Lent groups so people share together how they are responding to the passages and thought for each day.
3. Distribute it to those who are unwell or housebound as well as to regular attendees. This will help those unable to attend to connect with the worshipping life of the church and diocese.
4. Develop a creative way of getting feedback on any thoughts and prayers and experiences your congregation may have on their experience, perhaps by way of a Sunday interview or special notice board.
5. Hold a gathering towards the end of Lent for those who have used the resource so they can then share how it has helped them.
6. Use Ash Wednesday to distribute some of the booklets, giving them to people as they leave as they are invited to keep a Holy Lent.
7. Encourage people to give a copy to someone enquiring about the Christian faith, to help them ponder and pray.
8. Direct the resource to those on the fringe of your church, perhaps linking it with those who attend Messy Church, or a village breakfast, or lunch club.
9. Don’t forget your local school, perhaps give a copy to the Head Teacher and other members of staff.
10. Encourage its use in the intercessions on a Sunday or midweek, and suggest that families may wish to use it together at mealtimes.

As the picture shows, the booklets arrived from the printers this week and while some will be distributed at Diocesan Synod, the rest will be available through delivery and collection via Church House.

Details for obtaining the app can be found here.

Do feed through to us other ways you are using the material so we can share it with others via the e-Bulletin. .

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