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Praying Together Again in Lent

by glynch last modified 21 Apr, 2020 01:45 PM

App, booklet and daily e-mail to bring people across the Diocese together in prayer for second successive Lent

For the second in year in a row, the Diocese of Salisbury has produced a daily collection of readings and prayers for Lent, which is now available in the form of a booklet, a feed on the PrayerMate app, or daily e-mail.

Praying Together contains a short scripture reading, prayer, reflection, and suggested action for each day between Ash Wednesday (14 February) and Easter Day (1 April). This simple pattern can be followed in as a short a time as five minutes or as much as half an hour. It can be used by individuals or small groups, at home or in church, and can be incorporated in a short act of worship such as the Daily Office if desired.

The Rt Revd Karen Gorham, Bishop of Sherborne, said, “Our Diocesan vision is Renewing Hope: Pray, Serve, Grow, and prayer is one of our priorities. Prayer is heartbeat of the Christian life and the source of Christian renewal. I will be praying using Praying Together this Lent and I hope church people across the Diocese and well beyond will join me.

“As well as reaching people who come to church regularly, I hope people will think especially about giving the prayer booklet to housebound parishioners or those in care homes. They are often deeply faithful in prayer and can contribute much through it.

“The booklets and app would also be a gentle introduction to a regular prayer life for a new Christian or someone returning to faith.”

Almost 30,000 copies of the pocket-sized booklet have been distributed to churches across Dorset and Wiltshire. Full information on how to order more copies, get the PrayerMate app up and running or subscribe to the daily e-mail are available at

Gerry Lynch, the Diocese’s Director of Communications, said, “Based on the overwhelmingly feedback we received last year, we have printed a larger number of booklets for 2018. Churches who need extra copies can ask for more by e-mailing or ringing 01722 411 944.

“We can also supply people outside the Diocese at a small charge to cover printing and postage costs. Contact us to find out more.”

Debbie Orriss, the Diocese of Salisbury’s Discipleship Co-ordinator has been using the PrayerMate app to organise her daily intercessions for several years, and highly recommends it

Debbie Orriss said, “Last year I used PrayerMate to join in with Praying Together and would recommend it to anyone. It is easy to download and convenient to use. It has also helped me to pray for family and friends in a systematic way.

“The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer is available on the app throughout the year, and I find this a really convenient way of being able to pray for the whole Diocese It has helped me organise my prayer life better over a number of years now.”

Praying Together can be used in conjunction with the popular Church of England Daily Prayer app and website, which contains Morning, Evening and Night Prayer with all correct readings in collects according to both Common Worship and the Book of Common Prayer. It can be accessed at

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