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Prayerwalking Three Valleys

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Sep, 2020 09:47 PM

Pilgrimage is embedded in the rich history of Dorset and Wiltshire, with a number of routes criss-crossing our diocesan area, and new routes are being devised all the time.

The Revd George Moody and General Andrew Graham took it into their heads to walk the whole of the Three Valleys Benefice recently - about 90 square miles of rural north Dorset.

The prayer walk took 14 hours, visited 20 church buildings in 23 villages, and covered 34 miles of backroads and footpaths. 

George commented, "My hips ached after about 100 yards, but once I’d got Andrew to slow to my pace, we just kept going. The views were astonishing, the stiles challenging and it felt like the prayer kept building as we travelled.

"Andrew was the best of companions, and the final wee dram of malt at the end was a worthy reward!"

There is a plan to do it again in the first week in September next year; others are welcome to join in.

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