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Prayers offered for Notre Dame

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Apr, 2019 01:45 PM

Salisbury Cathedral has joined with the Archbishop of Canterbury in responding in French with prayers following the fire at Notre Dame.

Prayers offered for Notre Dame

Notre Dame photo courtesy Reuters

The Cathedral posted on its Facebook page:

Prions pour (pray for) Notre-Dame
Lord Jesus,
your broken body, laid aside,
rose in glory.
Give resurrection hope to the people of Paris
and all who grieve the destructive fire
at Notre Dame.
From the ashes may beauty once more arise,
as from the grave our new life comes. Amen.

While the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, tweeted:
“Tonight we pray for the firefighters tackling the tragic Notre Dame fire – and for everyone in France and beyond who watches and weeps for this beautiful, sacred place where millions have met with Jesus Christ. Nous sommes avec vous.”

Later he said he was praying for “everyone in France and beyond who watches and weeps”.

The Church of England’s Director of Cathedrals and Church Buildings, Becky Clark, said:
“The fire and the destruction it has caused are heart-breaking. We stand together in prayer with all who love Notre Dame: its worshipping community, those who have visited, and those who only know it from afar. We understand their sense of loss, and the uplifting connection people feel with cathedrals and churches the world over.

“But no matter the destruction, the spirit of what it means to be a cathedral can and does survive such catastrophes."

Photo courtesy Reuters News Service.

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