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Prayer Service and Growth Reviewed

by glynch last modified 26 Jun, 2017 04:12 PM

Diocese launches a new Annual Review of activities

The Diocese of Salisbury has published the first Annual Review of its activities, which seeks to explain its work in a new, accessible and attractive, format.

The Review, the first edition of which covers 2016, will complement the Directors’ and Trustees’ Report and Financial Statements which are produced for the Charity Commission every year.

The Review was the brainchild of Nigel Salisbury, Chair of the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Finance.

Nigel Salisbury said, “I wanted to make a review of our activities available which was visually attractive and accessible to the broadest possible range of people.

“The Review presents our overall heads of income and expenditure, allowing people to focus on the key strands of our budget. It also tells the story behind the financial figures, from the growing numbers of people exploring ordained ministry to cutting paperwork about church building repairs.

“The Report and Financial Statements continue to provide a much greater level detail for those who are interested.”

Lucinda Herklots, Diocesan Secretary, added, “The Review makes our financial position clearer to a broader range of people, helping people engage with church finances and what it takes to pay for the ministry and mission of the Church.

“More than that, however, it makes clear how much life and growth there is in the Church of England in Wiltshire and Dorset, and how crucial a part it is of the social fabric of our towns and villages. Our Diocese’s vision is Renewing Hope: Pray, Serve, Grow. This Review really does renew our hope as it sets out how churches and Christians are a praying, serving and growing presence in every community.”

The Annual Review is available at:

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