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Prayer Points from Poole

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Jun, 2020 10:43 PM

As our churches take to social media to reach out to their communities with their mission and ministry, they are delighted to see how this is really engaging with people.

Zoom, YouTube and Facebook services, along with daily or weekly virtual prayer times have attracted numbers that in many cases are well above average church attendance and, for many, the ability for this ministry and mission to be shared on via social media is a wonderful bonus.

And with social media, many churches have found a simple daily post can be just what people need.

The ministry Team at St James' Church Poole are delighted at the amazing way their Facebook prayer points have taken off.

Their daily posts, with an illustrative picture, invite people to pray for a specific thing or group of people.

Canon Lucy Holt, Rector of St James and Rural Dean Poole and North Bournemouth explains:

"It is such a simple idea, but we regularly get comments from people who the prayer point refers to.

"We had a bumper day perhaps not surprising when we prayed for the lifeboat crew and coastguards. This was shared 29 times and reached over 5,000 people!

"I know this was an extreme one but I am overwhelmed by how well this is going down. It seems to me that for some people they see that the church is relating to them."

As a Diocese we offer a Daily Cycle of Prayer for those working within our Diocese, so do 'like' and 'follow' our Facebook page to have these come up on your daily feed.

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