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Home News Prayer for Streatham

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Prayer for Streatham

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Feb, 2020 12:57 PM

The Bishop of Southwark has issued a prayer following the terror attack in Streatham on Sunday.

Prayer for Streatham

Original photo courtesy @deansouthwark

The Rt Revd Christopher Chessun said:

"As we hear the news of the suspected terrorist incident in Streatham, not far from where I live, I encourage everyone to pray for all those people affected by the incident and for the area. I am glad that the Rector of St Leonard's Streatham was able to support the emergency services as they worked to care for those who had been injured and to bring calm to the area.

"The Dean of Southwark has written a prayer which I hope you will feel able to use as we pray for peace and an end to violence in our neighbourhoods."

A prayer for the people of Streatham

Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders.
Isaiah 60.18

God of consolation, God of peace,
hold those caught up in the events in Streatham,
heal those who have been injured,
calm those who have been disturbed,
reassure those who are frightened
and bring peace to our streets.
In Jesus' name.

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