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Home News Prayer and Care for Thy Kingdom Come

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Prayer and Care for Thy Kingdom Come

by Michael Ford last modified 01 May, 2020 06:16 PM

The global wave of prayer that takes place in May is this year focussing on prayer and care in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Thy Kingdom Come, which runs from Ascension (21 May) to Pentecost (31 May), will be encouraging everyone not simply to pray that friends and family, colleagues and neighbours might encounter the love of God in Christ, but that they would experience that love in action.

And they are providing a range of resources ideal for the whole family during lockdown to help to do this.

In the past few years, the focus of the prayers of Christians throughout the world during Thy Kingdom Come has been for the coming of the God’s Kingdom in the lives of family and friends, neighbours and colleagues that they might come to faith.

This year, ‘Prayer and Care’ will ask people to focus on care for those they are praying for, and pray for those they are caring for in lockdown.

As with previous years, Christians will be encouraged to pray for 5 others who don’t know the love of Christ, and then to resolve to invite them along to something appropriate once our church buildings are reopened.

In previous years, the Diocese has hosted a Beacon Event at Salisbury Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday, but this year that cannot go ahead.

However, a wave of prayer along the south west coast on Saturday May 30th may still go ahead, with the original plan of using churches as a focal point replaced with prayer in the home.

There will also be a Thy Kingdom Come app again this year that has daily videos, Bible readings, reflections, and podcasts.

The Thy Kingdom Come video library also has over 200 videos to download, including reflections and testimonies from influential Christians such as the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, His Holiness Pope Francis, and many others.

Digital resources ideal for lockdown include a Family Prayer Adventure Map, a downloadable Prayer Journal, resources for a 24/7 virtual Prayer event, and a Prayer and Care kit that can be ordered from the Thy Kingdom Come website.

For more details, click here.

We would love to know what you or your church is going to do for Thy Kingdom Come. !

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