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Prayer and Care

by Michael Ford last modified 15 May, 2020 12:50 PM

The global prayer movement, characterised by mass public gatherings and worship, has been radically revamped due to Covid-19.

Thy Kingdom Come has been tailored to enable churches, families and individuals to pray and worship in their homes, through a suite of adapted resources, in line with social distancing guidelines.

Now in its 5th year, the movement began as a call to prayer for evangelisation within the Anglican Communion in the period from Ascension to Pentecost, but now draws 1000s of Christians together, across different denominations and traditions, to pray for their friends, family and neighbours to come to know the love of Jesus.

For the first time this year, Christians are not only encouraged to pray for others to know the love of Christ, but to also practically demonstrate their love and care through action during the 11 days, in an initiative called ‘Prayer and Care.’

Here in our Diocese, we are encouraging our communities to join Together in Prayer on Sunday 31st of May. Details here.

In a video message filmed in his kitchen, Archbishop Justin Welby reflected on this year’s changes due to COVID-19. He said:

"It seems we are having to reinvent everything this year. Thy Kingdom Come, which is normally a time of gathering and of being together, is now to be done at home. Well, praise God. That’s where the church began - in people’s homes, in people’s houses and where in many parts of the world it still happens.

And in an encouragement to all, he said:

"Let us regain our confidence as we pray between Ascension and Pentecost this year, praying for the coming of the Spirit that all may know that Jesus Christ is risen, that Jesus Christ is Lord, and in His life and love, there is hope and peace, and call and purpose. May God bless you in your times of prayer, may you know His living presence in your home. Amen."

On the importance of prayer at this time, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster and President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales said:

"Prayer knows no boundaries or obstacles. Prayer cannot be ‘locked down’. Lord, send us your Holy Spirit and the freedom that is the Spirit’s gift."

The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, who started the movement with Archbishop Justin said:

"As we pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ – for the 5th year as a nationwide and now worldwide season of prayer for people to come to a living faith in Jesus Christ - again I am bringing my ‘5’ to God, the 5 for whom I am praying that they will know the abundant life that is in Jesus Christ. It has been a joy each year to see friends encountering Jesus Christ and beginning a new life.

"This year because of Covid-19 so many people are searching for meaning and hope, as well as discovering afresh the importance of real, self-sacrificial love. May the Holy Spirit equip us all to share that love, and to speak of Jesus Christ, and of the love of God our Father. Come, Holy Spirit!"

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