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Home News Pray for the Church in South Sudan

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Pray for the Church in South Sudan

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Jan, 2018 11:13 AM

Today, 17th January, representatives of every diocese in the Episcopal Church of the South Sudan begin a two day retreat make changes to their Church’s constitution and in preparation for the election on Saturday of their new Primate, the Archbishop whom they hope will lead the Church in that Province for the next 10 years. Please pray for them and for the partnership between Salisbury and the South Sudan.

Guide those gathered to elect the new Primate,
That the bishops and clergy,
may be true shepherds of Christ’s flock,
know God’s just and gentle rule,
and find the ways that lead to peace
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Our link with Sudan and South Sudan goes back over 40 years.

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