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Pray at midday

by Michael Ford last modified 26 Mar, 2020 10:51 PM

Mothers' Union Trustee Rosemary Allen has written to all Diocesan MU members in the light of what she calls "unprecedented times," asking them to pause and pray at midday.

Pray at midday

Original photo courtesy Pixabay

She writes:

"Dear Diocesan Member

"This is a letter that I would never have expected to write, we are living in unprecedented times.

"As members of Mothers’ Union our lives are already centred round our faith and especially prayer. It would be wonderful if all of us could make sure each day we remember at midday to pause, put aside our concerns, and join with all those others round the world. See page 15 of your 'Families Worldwide'.

"Maybe in the end some good will come from this disaster and we will have learnt some valuable lessons.

"In the meantime, keep well, keep safe and be assured my letters and your publications will reach you again when circumstances change.

"I commend to you Philippians 4 : 5 – 7.

"With all good wishes,

"Rosemary Allen."

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