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Home News Pray and support children in need during coronavirus

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Pray and support children in need during coronavirus

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Apr, 2020 03:53 PM

The Children's Society has launched an Emergency Coronavirus Campaign to help thousands of children who have no recourse to public funds in the current situation.

The appeal has already raised £42k.

The Christian charity says thousands of children are facing extreme poverty because strict immigration rules prevent their families from accessing benefits – even if they cannot work during the coronavirus crisis.

Many of these children are British themselves, or were born here and know no other home. Other young people came to this country alone or were trafficked here by criminal gangs. With nothing to fall back on, these children and families risk being left to fend for themselves at a time of national emergency.

The Children's Society is asking the Government to step in and provide an urgent lifeline for all, so that children and families of all backgrounds can access the vital support they desperately need.

Find out more about the appeal here.

The charity has also created a prayer for the covid-19 emergency, to pray for vulnerable children and young people trapped at home during this time of disruption.

A special prayer for the work of The Children’s Society in a time of coronavirus:

God of compassion,
at this time of crisis,
we bring before you the peoples of our country and the world.
We ask for your blessing and strength for those working tirelessly to protect and save life.
We pray especially for vulnerable children and young people who are at greater risk during this time:
those who are not safe at home;
those who may be plunged into even greater poverty;
those whose fragile mental health may worsen;
those who feel abandoned and alone.
Draw near to all who suffer in mind, body or spirit.
We also pray for staff of The Children’s Society as they find new ways to support these young people in challenging circumstances.
Please bless their efforts and keep all with whom we work safe from harm.
We ask this in the precious name of Jesus.

You can also sign up for a monthly prayer email or download prayers here.

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