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Portraits from an unsociable distance

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Jun, 2020 04:11 PM

During this period of lockdown and social distancing, one local photographer is spending his time capturing "isolated faces" and he has featured one of our priests.

Portraits from an unsociable distance

Kelvin Inglis at Salisbury St Thomas, courtesy Kin Ho

Kin Ho posted his picture of the Revd Kelvin Inglis, the Rector of St Thomas Church in Salisbury .

He says:

"I wanted to spend my time productively and thus have started a new project. The aim is to distract us from these difficult times and to put smiles on some isolated faces."

Since the lockdown, Kelvin has been recording the Sunday service during the week and broadcast it via You Tube on Sunday morning.

He says:

"I long to open the doors of this church again. St Thomas’s is at the heart of the city and in normal times people constantly come and go. It’s a relational place - ‘how nice to see you, how are you?’ One day we shall be face to face once more. Meanwhile, new bonds are formed with neighbours for we share in adversity. Many want to admire the building or enjoy music; how that is missed!

"We’ve learnt to worship online on Sundays, to post daily reflections and to pray morning and evening, separate but together. We are amazed at the numbers taking part in all this. It has been hard for many, but people are so resilient, so resourceful.

"St Thomas’s is a holy place where people find space, solace, peace, time for reflection, time for God. The doors will open once more.”

You can see all Kin Ho's photos at @kin_ho_photo on Twitter or Instagram.

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