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Home News Pledges and free expert help for Poole homeless centre

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Pledges and free expert help for Poole homeless centre

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Jun, 2020 10:28 PM

A Dorset homeless charity has seen over £2000 pledged towards the refurbishment of their new drop in centre, and now has the offer of free specialist help.

Local surveying company MC Plan and Site Services has offered to do the building control for the former Baptist Church renovation for free.

Routes to Roots purchased a former church in Hill Street in Poole, where they held their first drop-ins to create a centre where homeless and vulnerably housed people could access help to make lasting changes to their lives.

Helen Cook from MC Plan and Site Services said:

“We are delighted to support your project in regards to a building control application at no cost to the charity. As a company we are very passionate about supporting local charities such as yourselves and will assign a surveyor to follow the project through from beginning to end.

“For us in Poole this is also something very close to our hearts, an extremely valuable cause in what your charity is trying to do for homelessness in Poole.”

The refurbishment will include a new heating system, insulation, kitchen, showers, laundry room and office space.

To raise the funds, they are using Aviva Community Fund’s crowdfunding platform, but the window is short. The fund is open for donations until 11.59 pm on 15th July.

To make a donation, or find out more about the project, click here.

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