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Pioneering in Poole

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Mar, 2020 01:38 PM

Have you ever wondered what a Pioneer minister does? Well, Lucy Bolster from the Poole Missional Communities has been writing about pioneering on Turlin Moor.

"We have been overwhelmed by the welcome we have received as a family in our first 6 months here. Our immediate neighbours have been regular visitors to offer support as we worked hard on our house through September. We finally moved in properly in mid October.

"Since then, a neighbour has opened her front room blessed by her generosity, and as she is visually impaired, she welcomes our help to publicise and practically welcome others into her space. The long-standing youthworkers on the estate have also invited our family to be team with them in establishing relationships and offering discipleship opportunities.

"Regular attendance at the Tea and Toast drop in run by the Vine Church has been a space in which to grow and deepen friendships. Alongside two other new friends, I am experimenting with starting an outdoor Space For Life each Thursday. Pop up singing events are another experiment bubbling up in response to suggestions from friends.

"Joining the fortnightly prayer group of Christians engaged on Turlin Moor has been a helpful rhythm and opportunity for ongoing shared working. A Wednesday morning prayer walk around the estate has also developed.

"We are surprised by the ease with which a collaborative monthly community clear up event has been put together. This is planned to continue throughout the year on the first Sunday of the month, linking in with the rhythm of Reconnect.

"In our wider community, the challenging conversations have centred on how best to get to know, walk alongside and stand up for those families who are struggling with the beleaguered resources of our NHS and Social services."

Find out more about becoming a pioneer minister

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