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Home News Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Salisbury Cathedral

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Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Salisbury Cathedral

by ajack last modified 17 Nov, 2021 04:49 PM

Join a party of pilgrims to the Biblical lands of Israel and Palestine between 19 and 28 April 2022.

Led by the Dean, Nick Papadopulos, who said  

"We will stay in Galilee, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem, visiting may of the holy sites associated with the ministry of Jesus, and hearing at first-hand stories of the conflict that continues to grip the land of his birth. "  

The full itinerary and details of costs are set out online at A Pilgrimage for Salisbury Cathedral 2022 – Lightline Pilgrimages; a copy of the pilgrimage brochure is available from the Dean’s PA, Cathryn Wright, during office hours (01722 555110;  

 All are very welcome. 


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