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Picture this: support your foodbank

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Oct, 2020 05:50 PM

Many of our parishes have been involved with foodbanks for years, and some have even hosted them in their buildings, or supplied collection points. Fundraising takes many forms, and some of these are 'outside the box'.

In Lyme Regis, local church St Michael the Archangel and local church schools have supplied collection points, food items and other support for those in need, and are listed along with local businesses and other groups on the Lyme Regis Foodbank page.

The Lyme Forward website says:

"19 local organisations are approved referrers, 9 places act as donation points for supplies, and 20 volunteers cover the work. Public donations have been generous."

One local entrepreneur, inspired by this community spirit, has used his skills to raise much-needed funds and has featured in a recent edition of Lyme Online, as below.

Local photographer raises funds for foodbank with book of lockdown portraits

A Lyme Regis photographer has published a book of portraits taking during lockdown to raise money for the local foodbank.

Rob Coombe is hoping to raise money for the local food bank through the publication of a book of his lockdown portraits.

Taken under socially distanced conditions, the photographs captured the townsfolk as they coped with changes and challenges of everyday life during the first lockdown.

Rob said:

“After having sat around the house for a couple of weeks and spent so much time with my young son, it dawned on me that we were living in a part of history.

“I had visions of a project of lots of shots of people essentially trapped in their homes, but it evolved as time went on and turned into something that showed how the people of Lyme Regis rallied to help each other.”

The portraits show everything from people in their homes to dance classes over Zoom, and delivering free dinners to NHS workers.

The book, ‘Lockdown in Lyme: A series of portraits by Rob Coombe’, shows some of the moments that summed up lockdown, such as the ‘Clap for Carers’ on a Thursday evening, as well as many of the local chefs cooking meals for the Lyme Regis Foobank, not to mention sewing scrubs for medics when PPE was in short supply.

Rob has been supported by local printer Adrian Wood and his Dorchester-based company Advantage Digital Print, who have provided all the typesetting and initial publicity copies free of charge.

All profits from sales of the book will go to support Lyme Regis Foodbank, which is now said to be in more need than ever.

Priced at £10, or £12.50 for a personalised copy, the book is available to order by emailing Rob at . Orders will be taken up until Monday, October 26 when the print run will begin.

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