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Home News Pewsey's Cemetery Is Consecrated

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Pewsey's Cemetery Is Consecrated

by Michael Ford last modified 19 Sep, 2019 03:03 PM

Bishop Andrew recently led a service for the Consecration of a new part of the Pewsey Cemetery.

Even though it is maintained by the local authority and available for all people, the cemetery still needs to be blessed for Christian Burial.

Also present were the Deputy Diocesan Registrar, local councillors, clergy from The Vale of Pewsey Team, St John’s Church members and two Churchwardens. There were representatives from the Roman Catholic Church, the Methodists, the Head of Pewsey Primary and Chair of Governors from Pewsey Vale Secondary School, also the Local Police Officer and a First Responder.

The Revd Deb Larkey said:

"The ground Bishop Andrew consecrated was once used for allotments and has been left fallow for a while to settle, in anticipation of the need for more space in the cemetery. I am most impressed with the way the Parish Council looked ahead and planned for this special spiritual as well as practical need in the Pewsey community.

"The service and event felt very moving and prayerful, we were definitely in a thin, 'Kingdom of God' place, and it was good... Afterwards, everyone was saying how special it was - including the Chair of the Parish Council and other community leaders - that we were part of Pewsey history being made and also that the Bishop was great and we would like him to come back to Pewsey!

"We felt that God’s sun shone on us in more ways than one."

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