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Pastures new for Ian and John

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Feb, 2021 10:21 PM

Our Mission & Stewardship Advisers are much appreciated after 10 years of educating parishes about giving, generosity and mission, and will be moving on towards the end of this month, on 25th February.

As 'to-the-point' as ever, Ian Bromilow and John Kilbee they have supplied some facts about themselves as they take their leave of this particular joint role - although they will continue to be active in parish life.

Ian  says:

  • I spent all my working life with Royal Dutch Shell in various locations, mainly Africa and Middle East, although with positions in Netherlands and London. For the last 10 years, I held the position of Country Chairman/ MD.
  • We've been in Dorset since 2009, when I retired.
  • I was on General Synod from 2010 until 2015.
  • I'm married to Wilhelmina (who is Dutch), with 3 grown up children and one grandson.
  • I chair Milton Abbey School and am a trustee of CMS. I was previously trustee of MAF, Faithworks Wessex and Longmead Community Farm.
  • I'm a member of Milton Abbas and Winterborne Valley Benefice, as Lay Worship leader and Lay Pastoral Assistant.
  • I enjoy walking, cycling, jogging and skiing. Also music.

What was enjoyable about the role?

  • Working with such a committed group of people at the parish level. It was an honour to help in any small way, to see their faith in action and their desire to do everything to maintain a Christian presence in their community.

John says:

  • I was born in Hong Kong.
  • My first language is Cantonese.
  • I had my schooling and university in England.
  • My first job was with Pricewaterhousecoopers, where the Senior Partner had me seated beside him at the first articled clerks dinner. I thought it was because I was rated as an accountant, but not at all - it was because he was a cricket nut and wanted to chat to someone who had played first class cricket that summer!
  • After learning banking in the traditional UK way, I had my eyes opened when I joined an American bank, Security Pacific, and learnt what true commercial/ corporate banking was really about.
  • My banking career finished with the financial crash.

What was enjoyable about the role?

  • For my part it has been a tremendous 10 years: working with Ian, learning and understanding how churches grow through their purpose, mission and story. Then being able to balance the books, as it were, through generous and transparent stewardship. And that is before one thinks of all the people I have met and parishes visited in this wonderful county.

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