Palm Sunday Procession and Easter at Wimborne Minster
The traditional Palm Sunday Procession returned after an absence of two years (like many others) due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Clergy, Choir and members of the congregation gathered at the Allendale Centre where there was a short service to commemorate Christ's Entry into Jerusalem. Following the
Blessing of the Palms by the Rector, the Revd Canon Andrew Rowland the Hymn
"Lift high the Cross" was sung in Procession to The Square.
Here the Gospel was read by the Curate the Revd Nick Wells before the
Procession continued down the High Street to the Minster singing the Hymn
"All glory, laud and honour to thee Redeemer, King". Thence followed the
Parish Eucharist Service in the Minster.
Wimborne Minster celebrated Easter with a wide range of services – the more unusual included: a Bun Walk across the water meadows to Saint Stephen’s Kingston Lacy. This beautiful small church has recently joined the benefice and so, they shared a Minster tradition of walking to Pamphill common, near to the church, to find hot cross buns growing on the trees!
Saint Stephen’s hosted an outdoor service, with a delicious tea and some Easter-themed family activities. The Revd Nick Wells, Curate at the Minster, assisted by his son Eden (as a human music stand) led the singing in the churchyard which was full of cherry blossom and bird song. Clergy from the Minster and the Minster Villages including: The Revd Canon Andrew Rowland, the Revd Suzie Allen, and the Revd Sharon Stone all shared in the fun and in the worship here, at the end of the day, on Good Friday.
On Easter morning, in the Minster churchyard, a small congregation, of around 30, gathered at 6.00 to celebrate the dawn Eucharist and to renew vows of baptism. After the service, everyone shared breakfast in Church House.
All photos © Beatrice Dopita
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